My father passed away on May 3, 2017. Coincidentally,
that day was ``Japanese Constitution Day.'' Normally,
he would go to a temple to make a memorial service, but this year 2024, I
took the time to study the Japanese Constitution at his home. This
is a report on the results of that investigation. I would also like to
present materials along with my opinions in English and Chinese, the
languages in which the Potsdam Declaration was issued.
The first thing I
wondered was, I wanted to know the reason why Chapter 1 of the
Constitution, "The Emperor," consists of eight articles, while
Chapter 2, "The Renunciation of War," consists of only one
article, Article 9. I thought there must be a reason why the important
constitutional article related to national defense, "The Renunciation
of War," consists of only one article and only two items. After
researching, I found that the "Potsdam Declaration" consists of
13 articles, which clearly states that Japan will not rearm against the
Allied Powers, and I was able to surmise that this was incorporated into
the Constitution as it was. The United Nations, which is translated into
Japanese as "the United Nations," refers to the group of Allied
Powers, and was influenced by the fact that the victorious nations decided
the postwar world order in advance. The Potsdam Declaration was issued by
agreement between the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, and
the Republic of China. The articles state democratization of the Western
camp, respect for human rights, national sovereignty, the exclusion of
militarists, the prohibition of rearmament, and the punishment of those who
have committed atrocities against militarist advisors and Allied prisoners
of war. It warned that unless Japan accepted these conditions and
surrendered, the whole country would suffer devastating war damage, just
like Germany. From what is read, it is an enlightened and moderate call for
Japan promulgated a new constitution just one
year and two months after its defeat in the war. Formally,
the procedures for amending the Constitution of the Empire of Japan were
followed, and the initiator of the amendments to the new constitution was
the Emperor, as sovereign. In
the new constitution, the Emperor was designated the "symbol of the
people" and had "no political functions." This
meant that, as he had accepted the Potsdam Declaration in his name, the
Emperor took the lead in implementing the matters stipulated in Article 13
of the Potsdam Declaration. With
this foundation laid, in the new constitution, the people became sovereign
and the Emperor no longer had political power. This
was a natural progression.
The Potsdam Declaration was issued by President Truman of the United
States, Prime Minister Attlee of the United Kingdom (there was a change of
government during the talks, and the Prime Minister changed from Churchill
to Attlee), and President Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China, five of
the postwar permanent members of the United Nations with veto power. three
of these countries. Naturally,
from the perspective of the Emperor, who had accepted the Potsdam
Declaration and surrendered, he had to fulfill his promise and set the
stage for Japan's return to the international community, while stepping
back from his political position. Therefore,
the Japanese Constitution truly complies with the Potsdam Declaration.
The Allied Powers,
which had seemed like a monolith, also showed a strong interest in
expanding their power after the war due to the defeats of Germany and
Japan. The success of the Manhattan Project in developing the atomic bomb
gave the United States and Britain an overwhelming military advantage over
the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union became impatient and took control of
Eastern Europe, imposing a one-party Communist Party system. In China, he
also supported the Red Army and led the Chinese revolution to success. On
June 25, 1950, less than nine months after the establishment of the
People's Republic of China, the military of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea invaded the Republic of Korea at dawn. It is said that
this was ordered by the Soviet Union. Amidst this conflicting structure of
capitalism versus communism, Japan regained its independence with the
conclusion of the San Francisco Peace Treaty. It was during the Korean War.
At issue is the
interpretation of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, which stipulated that at the
same time as the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which restored
Japan's independence, the United States would continue to be stationed in
Japan and responsible for its defense. Potsdam: ``The Allied occupation
forces shall withdraw from Japan as soon as these objectives have been
achieved and a responsible government of peaceful tendencies has been
established, in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese
people.'' It can be read in the language that it conflicts with Article 12
of the Declaration, but as the Korean War continued and rearmament was
prohibited by the new constitution on May 3, 1947, Japan was left in a
defense vacuum. It would be reasonable to assume that there was a world
situation in which there was a risk of this happening. In other words,
since the United Kingdom and the Republic of China, which were
co-signatories of the Potsdam Declaration, have not pointed out that there
is a violation of the Declaration's implementation, Article 12 of the
Potsdam Declaration can be considered to have been ``suspended.''
问题在于对日美安保条约的解释,该条约规定,在签署恢复日本独立的旧金山和平条约的同时,美国将继续驻扎在日本并负责其防务。波茨坦:“盟军占领军应在实现这些目标并根据日本人民自由表达的意愿建立一个具有和平倾向的负责任政府后立即撤出日本。”从语言上看,它与《独立宣言》第 12 条相冲突,但随着朝鲜战争的持续,以及 1947 年 5 月 3 日新宪法禁止重新武装,日本陷入了防务真空。可以合理地假设,当时的世界局势存在发生这种情况的风险。换言之,由于作为《波茨坦公告》共同签署国的英国和中华民国并未指出《波茨坦公告》的执行存在违反的情况,《波茨坦公告》第十二条可视为被“暂停”了。
However, although Japan is a sovereign nation that is entitled to the
"right of individual self-defense or collective self-defense"
based on Article 51 of the UN Charter, in terms of its relationship with
the UN it is a defeated nation, and it does not engage in aggressive
military activities. This
can be interpreted to mean that defensive actions are not possible. If
there is a belief that Article 9 of Chapter 2 of the Japanese Constitution,
``Abandonment of War,'' is too focused on ``non-retention of military
forces,'' then the third paragraph should be added to ``Renouncing War,''
and ``Renouncing War''. I
think it would be good to have a self-defense force for the right of
collective self-defense, but the principles of the UN Charter should be
maintained and this force should not be allowed to carry out acts of
I believe that the
Constitution is an ``ideological law,'' and that it cannot be understood by
simply reading the articles as they are. For example, Article 99 of the
Constitution is found in Chapter 10, ``Supreme Law,'' and the article
states, ``The Emperor or Regent, the Minister of State, members of the
Diet, judges, and other public servants have the duty to respect and uphold
this Constitution.'' It becomes. However, some Japanese political parties,
based on their own political beliefs, aspire to a democratic republican
system by eliminating the imperial system, and are calling for a unicameral
Diet system, changing the central government system to a provincial system.
There are also political parties that are oriented towards this. There are
also movements by the ``National Assembly for the Establishment of an
Independent Constitution'' to request revisions to the constitution enacted
during the occupation. Both fall under the category of ``freedom of
political belief'' and are located above Article 99 of the Constitution.
Article 99 of the Constitution states that the ``freedom of political
beliefs'' of the people, political parties, members of the Diet, and
citizens must not be violated. Japanese liberals carelessly bring up
Article 99 of the Constitution and say that ``we have a duty to defend the
Constitution.'' A very liberal cultural figure went on a public radio
broadcast and ranted, saying, ``The Constitution must not be changed
because Article 99 exists.'' Chapter 9 above Chapter 10, ``Supreme Law,''
contains provisions for ``Revision.'' If we say that we must do everything
we can to protect the Constitution based on Article 99 of the Constitution,
we would be ignoring Chapter 9 of the Constitution, and we would be stuck
in a paradox that would result in rhetoric that does not protect the
On May 5, 2024, a
former president of a famous university spoke the exact text of Article 99
of the Constitution into a microphone on a nationally broadcast TV news and
information program. This means that the Japanese Communist Party, which
aspires to a democratic republic, the Nippon Ishin
no Kai, which aspires to a unicameral provincial system, and the Liberal
Democratic Party, which has stipulated constitutional amendment in its
party platform in conjunction with the movement of the National Assembly
for the Establishment of an Independent Constitution, all It was an
impossible statement, as if the member of parliament had said that it was a
violation of the constitution. The Constitution provides freedom of thought
and belief. There can be no interpretation that suppresses that. This is
where the weakness of Japanese liberals lies. I was a Japanese language
teacher at Yonsei University's language
department in Korea. I learned from the field that the military and defense
vacuum gave rise to the Korean War. It is not a position that aspires to
military expansion, but it is also not a position of irresponsible
pacifism. There is also a theory that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was
carried out by Russia, which has more than 10 times the military power.
Peace is best. I strongly hope that peace will come to Ukraine and
Palestine as soon as possible. On top of that, I think it is also important
to have a realistic view of defense. In 1945, the current Emperor (whose
nickname was ``Emperor Showa''), thinking about the lives of his people,
thinking about the land, and wishing for the survival of the nation,
decided to withdraw from politics and accepted the Potsdam Declaration.
While valuing this idea, we believe that discussing the ideal form of a
constitution that is suitable for modern times is a way of thinking about
the war dead, injured, and those who have lost property, and aspiring for
peace, both in the military and civilian world, both in Japan and abroad.
I used to be a
Japanese language instructor at Yonsei University
in Korea. The stories of the misery of the Korean War that I heard directly
from the elderly were painful to listen to. On June 25, 1950, the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea invaded the Republic of Korea. Korea
was dominated by the Korean military except for the areas around Gyeongju and Busan, and Korea
was on the verge of being destroyed. The UN forces were formed, and under
the command of General MacArthur, the Western camp landed in Incheon and took control of the southern part of the
peninsula, and continued northward to control northern Korea. This time
Korea was on the verge of being destroyed. From China's perspective, which
declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949,
there was a fear that the new nation would be overthrown. Volunteer
soldiers were introduced, and the Chinese Red Army and the Korean Army
pushed the front line back to the south. General MacArthur had been
dismissed by President Truman for suggesting the dropping of an atomic
bomb. The UN forces, not expecting the introduction of Chinese volunteers,
were confused and ended up losing Seoul, the capital of South Korea, to the
Communist forces. They pushed them back again and there was a scuffle near
the 38th parallel, and a ceasefire was reached in 1953. The battle for the
38th parallel, known as the "blood curtain," exacted great
sacrifices and burdens on the participating nations. Both Mao Zedong and
Kim Il-sung wished for an end to the war. However, there was a clear reason
why a ceasefire was not reached until 1953. That reason was Stalin. Even
when both China and Korea offered to end the war, Stalin said,
"Fighting the advanced weapons of the West will help the East
accumulate experience," and did not take into account the sacrifices
of the Chinese and Koreans. He also turned a deaf ear to the great famine
in Ukraine, calling it a "fiction," and caused millions to starve
to death. No matter how many casualties there were on the Korean and Korean
peninsulas, Stalin had no interest in it. Stalin wanted to win as many
countries, territories, resources, and military facilities as possible in
the game of territory capture. In the Battle of Okinawa, a quarter of the Okinawan people lost their lives. In the Korean War,
one in six people on the peninsula lost their lives. In both the South and
the North, if someone was suspected of being ideologically
anti-establishment, their entire family was shot without trial. The total
amount of bombs dropped in the Korean War exceeded the total amount dropped
worldwide in World War II. Pyongyang, the capital of Korea, was annihilated
by the UN forces, leaving only three houses standing. There is a term
called "Korean special demand." With the outbreak of the Korean
War, Japan, a defeated nation, became a logistics base and a production
site for weapons supplied to the UN forces. This economic upswing
accelerated the recovery of the Japanese economy. According to the Potsdam
Declaration, Japan was prohibited from industries for rearmament, but since
this was logistical support for the UN forces and not for Japan's
rearmament, there was no criticism from the countries that promulgated the
Potsdam Declaration. Now, the Potsdam Declaration states that the occupying
forces will withdraw after Japan has achieved democratization under a sound
government. Five hours after the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed in
September 1951 (it came into force seven months later), the Japan-US
Security Treaty was signed at Fressidia Army Base
in San Francisco by Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru and four other US
counterparts. From the Japanese perspective, it seemed to violate Article 9
of the Constitution, which renounces war, and the Potsdam Declaration. The
Japanese people also felt remorse for the war, as it states that the
occupying forces will withdraw. There was also aversion to the tyranny of
the military and government before the war. However, what would have
happened if Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru had not signed the Japan-US
Security Treaty and the occupying forces had withdrawn from Japan as per
the Potsdam Declaration? I regret that this debate is not taking place in
Japan. I think there is a high probability that Stalin would have invaded
Hokkaido and Tohoku. In fact, the Korean War and the Korean War were also
"territory games" that Stalin prepared, provided military
equipment, and persuaded Mao Zedong to play. In World War II, the
victorious nations retained their military equipment. A defeated nation
suffers the misfortune of being disarmed. When the Soviet Union abrogated
the Japan-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and declared war on Japan on August 8,
1945, its military strength was 1.5 million. If Japan had been left
militarily and defensively vacuumed, there was a high probability that
Stalin would have come to "take" Hokkaido and Tohoku. The basis
for this argument is that before the atomic bomb was dropped, Japan's
postwar occupation was divided as follows: Hokkaido and Tohoku were
occupied by the Soviet Union, the Chugoku region and Kyushu by the UK,
Shikoku by the Republic of China, and the rest of Honshu, with the US
occupying a large area, and the capital Tokyo, jointly occupied by the four
Considering that both the US and the
Soviet Union were engaged in a "battle for the East-West camps,"
I believe that the signing of the Japan-US Security Treaty by Prime Minister
Shigeru Yoshida immediately after the conclusion of the San Francisco Peace
Treaty was significant, regardless of its contents. Looking at the history
of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the victory of the
communist bloc in the Vietnam War, the world misunderstood the expansion of
the communist bloc as the process of national transformation described by
Karl Marx in Das Kapital. Marx said, "If
productivity increases without limit, people will be able to work only when
they want to and freely receive the distribution of products
produced," and discussed the stages of national development in the
style of Darwin's "theory of evolution." Finally, Marx went so
far as to say that "when productivity increases without limit, the
state will become unnecessary and disappear." This was merely a
hypothesis modeled on evolutionary theory. However, it gave the poor, in
particular, the "dream" of a socialist or communist revolution.
Intellectuals also followed suit. The United States was defined as an
imperialist nation. Of course, I cannot agree with the uneven distribution
of U.S. military bases in Okinawa Prefecture, the Status of Forces
Agreement, the Sunagawa Incident in the 1960
Security Treaty, and the actions of the U.S. military in the Vietnam War,
but as a Japanese person, I would like to state that the military defense
vacuum is more dangerous than one might imagine. And on behalf of the
defeated nations, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the
people of Korea and North Korea, who were caught up in a war between the
same ethnic groups. Karl Marx was a German Jew and had a monotheistic
philosophy. Compared to Thomas More's utopian
socialism, it was an evolutionary hypothesis, but I suspect that it was too
much based on the concept of capital and lacked analysis of people's
diversity and spiritual freedom. The reason why I am speculating is because
I have never read Marx's Das Kapital. It was
enlightening that Mao Zedong overturned the Communtern's
leadership, which was dominated by logic, and liberated the common people
from the countryside. I am not a communist, but I was greatly enlightened
by Mao's philosophy. Since the boom in Japan-China friendship in my upper
elementary school years, I have respected both China and Taiwan. We
Japanese have cultivated cultures such as Chinese characters, Buddhism, and
Confucianism, and learned about them through the Korean Peninsula. So I
respect China, and I also respect the systems of America's liberal society.
There has been a lot of coverage of Japan being drawn into the war in the
event of a Taiwan emergency, but I think Japan should contribute in the
international community to prevent a Taiwan emergency from occurring. In
fact, the five major powers with veto power in the UN have not gone to war
directly since World War II. A direct war between China and the United
States would be so dangerous that it would mean the end of the world. I
believe that both China and the United States understand this. The UN's
Albanian resolution had previously resolved that "China has one seat
in the UN," and that one seat was changed from the Republic of China
to the People's Republic of China. If that is the case, did the People's
Republic of China not exist before that and was a part of the Republic of
China? If you ask this question, you will be countered that China is a
sovereign state that has existed since October 1, 1949. The Chinese
government should understand that as well. The People's Republic of China
is a multi-ethnic state. In addition to the Han people, 55 ethnic groups
coexist. If you include the nine ethnic groups of Taiwan, the number will
increase even more. The state must never fall into an inter-ethnic war like
Yugoslavia. Ethnic self-determination will inevitably lead to conflict and
war with neighboring ethnic groups. Gorbachev, who was in the Soviet
Secretariat, had a Ukrainian mother and wife. From the perspective of the
current Russian leadership, Gorbachev will be seen as having made too many
concessions to the West. No matter what the reason, I cannot support
Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I also cannot support Israel's invasion of
Palestine. However, I believe that the reason these wars have not been
stopped is because there was "idealism" in the original design of
the UN. When the Kishi Cabinet revised the
Japan-US Security Treaty in 1960, I believe it should have resolutely
stated that "the obligation to defend each other is limited to the
areas over which Japanese sovereignty extends." I believe that making
this provision clear and not evoking any sense of threat among Asian
countries will be a central principle for "Japan in Asia."
我曾经在韩国延世大学担任日语教师。从老人口中直接听到的朝鲜战争的惨状,听得让人心痛。1950年6月25日,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国入侵韩国。除庆州、釜山一带外,朝鲜全境被韩军控制,朝鲜濒临灭亡。联合国军组建,在麦克阿瑟将军的指挥下,西方阵营在仁川登陆,控制了半岛南部,并继续向北进军,控制朝鲜北部。这一次,朝鲜濒临灭亡。从1949年10月1日宣布成立中华人民共和国的中国来看,人们担心这个新国家会被推翻。中国派出了志愿军,中国红军和朝鲜军队将战线推回南方。麦克阿瑟将军因建议投掷原子弹而被杜鲁门总统解职。联合国军没有想到中国志愿军会加入,因此陷入混乱,最终将韩国首都首尔拱手让给了共产党军队。联合国军再次将他们击退,并在三八线附近发生了一场混战,并于1953年达成停火协议。 被称为“血幕”的三八线之战给参战国带来了巨大的牺牲和负担。毛泽东和金日成都希望战争结束。然而,直到1953年才达成停火协议,有一个明显的原因。 这个原因就是斯大林。即使当中国和朝鲜都提出结束战争时,斯大林也说:“与西方的先进武器作战将有助于东方积累经验”,而没有考虑到中国和朝鲜人民的牺牲。他还对乌克兰的大饥荒置若罔闻,称其为“虚构”,导致数百万人饿死。不管朝鲜半岛和朝鲜半岛有多少伤亡,斯大林对此都没有兴趣。斯大林想要在领土争夺游戏中赢得尽可能多的国家、领土、资源和军事设施。
考虑到当时美苏双方都处于“东西方阵营争夺战”的局面,我认为,旧金山和约缔结后,吉田茂首相立即签署日美安保条约,无论其内容如何,都具有重大意义。回顾中华人民共和国成立和共产主义阵营在越南战争中取得胜利的历史,世界将共产主义阵营的扩张误解为马克思在《资本论》中所描述的国家改造过程。马克思说:“如果生产力无限地长,人们就能够只在他们愿意的时候工作,并自由地获得所生产产品的分配”,并以达尔文的“进化论”风格讨论了国家发展的阶段。最后,马克思甚至说:“当生产力无限地长时,国家将变得没有必要并消失。”这只是模仿进化论的假设。但它却给穷人,特别是穷人带来了社会主义或共产主义革命的“梦想”。知识分子也纷纷效仿。美国被定义为帝国主义国家。当然,我不能同意美国在冲绳县的军事基地分布不均、《驻日美军地位协定》、1960年《安保条约》中的砂川事件以及美军在越南战争中的行动,但作为日本人,我想说,军事防御真空比人们想象的要危险得多。并且,我代表战败国,向陷入同族战争的朝鲜和韩国人民致以最诚挚的慰问。 卡尔·马克思是コ国犹太人,他的哲学是一神论。与托马斯·莫尔的空想社会主义相比,它是进化论假说,但我怀疑它过于依赖资本概念,缺乏对人的多样性和精神自由的分析。我之所以这样猜测,是因为我从未读过马克思的《资本论》。 毛泽东推翻了以逻辑为主导的共产主义领导,把老百姓从农村解放出来,这真是令人大开眼界。我不是共产主义者,但毛泽东的哲学给了我很大的启发。从小学高年级日中友好热潮开始,我就尊重中国和台湾。我们日本人培育了汉字、佛教、儒教等文化,并通过朝鲜半岛了解了这些文化。所以我尊重中国,也尊重美国自由社会的制度。现在有很多报道说,如果台湾出现紧急情况,日本会被卷入战争,但我认为日本应该在国际社会中做出贡献,防止台湾出现紧急情况。事实上,联合国拥有否决权的五个大国自二战以来就没有直接开战过。中美直接开战是非常危险的,是世界末日。我相信中美双方都明白这一点。联合国阿尔巴尼亚决议案以前曾决定“中国在联合国有一席”,而这一席位由中华民国改为中华人民共和国。如果是这样,那么中华人民共和国在那之前就不存在,是中华民国的一部分吗?如果你问这个问题,你会反驳说,中国是一个主权国家,自1949年10月1日以来就存在了。中国政府也应该明白这一点。中华民国是一个多民族国家。除汉族外,还有55个民族共存,如果加上台湾的9个民族,数量还会更多。国家绝不能像南斯拉夫那样陷入民族战争。民族自决必然会导致与周边民族的冲突和战争。在苏联秘书处任职的戈尔巴乔夫的母亲和妻子都是乌克兰人。在俄罗斯现任领导层看来,戈尔巴乔夫会被视为对西方作出了太多让步。不管出于什么原因,我都不能支持俄罗斯入侵乌克兰。我也不能支持以色列入侵巴勒斯坦的战争。但我认为,这些战争之所以没有停止,是因为联合国最初的设计带有“理想主义”。1960年岸信介内阁修改日美安保条约时,我认为应该坚决规定“相互保卫的义务仅限于日本主权范围内的区域”。我认为,明确规定这一规定,不引起亚洲国家任何威胁感,将是“日本在亚洲”的核心原则。
Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese
Surrender Issued, at Potsdam, July 26, 1945
@ We-the President of the United
States, the President of the National Government of the Republic of China,
and the Prime Minister of Great Britainた, representing the
hundreds of millions of our countrymen, have conferred and agree that Japan
shall be given an opportunity to end this war.
AThe prodigious land,
sea and air forces of the United States, the British Empire and of China,
many times reinforced by their armies and air fleets from the west, are
poised to strike the final blows upon Japan. This military power is
sustained and inspired by the determination of all the Allied Nations to
prosecute the war against Japan until she ceases to resist.
B The result of the
futile and senseless German resistance to the might of the aroused free
peoples of the world stands forth in awful clarity as an example to the
people of Japan. The might that now converges on
Japan is immeasurably greater than that which, when applied to the
resisting Nazis, necessarily laid waste to the lands, the industry and the
method of life of the whole German people. The full application of our
military power, backed by our resolve, will mean the inevitable and
complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably
the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland.
C The time has come for
Japan to decide whether she will continue to be controlled by those
self-willed militaristic advisers whose unintelligent calculations have
brought the Empire of Japan to the threshold of annihilation, or whether
she will follow the path of reason.
D Following are our
terms. We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives. We shall
brook no delay.
F There must be
eliminated for all time the authority and influence of those who have
deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest,
for we insist that a new order of peace, security and justice will be
impossible until irresponsible militarism is driven from the world.
Until such a new order
is established and until there is convincing proof that Japan's war-making
power is destroyed, points in Japanese territory to be designated by the
Allies shall be occupied to secure the achievement of the basic objectives
we are here setting forth.
GThe terms of
the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall
be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such
minor islands as we determine.
HThe Japanese
military forces, after being completely disarmed, shall be permitted to
return to their homes with the opportunity to lead peaceful and productive
I We do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race
or destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all war
criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners.
The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and
strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom
of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the
fundamental human rights shall be established.
J Japan shall be
permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and
permit the exaction of just reparations in kind, but not those which would
enable her to re-arm for war. To this end, access to, as distinguished from
control of, raw materials shall be permitted. Eventual Japanese
participation in world trade relations shall be permitted.
K The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan
as soon as these objectives have been accomplished and there has been
established in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese
people a peacefully inclined and responsible government.
L We call upon the government
of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed
forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith
in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction.
(The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"Nihon Gaiko Nenpyo
Narabini Shuyo Bunsho : 1840-1945" vol.2, 1966)
日本の降伏条件を定義する宣言 1945 年 7 月 26 日にポツダムで発行
B 世界中の興奮した自由民族の力に対するドイツ人の無駄で無意味な抵抗の結果は、日本国民に対する模範として恐ろしいほど明瞭に浮き彫りになっている。現在日本に集中している力は、抵抗するナチスに適用された場合、必然的にドイツ国民全体の土地、産業、生活様式を荒廃させた力よりも計り知れないほど大きい。我々の決意に裏打ちされた我が国の軍事力の全面的な適用は、日本軍の不可避かつ完全な破壊を意味し、同様に不可避的に日本本土の完全な荒廃を意味する。
C 日本は、知性のない計算によって大日本帝国を滅亡の境地に導いた独善的な軍国主義顧問らに支配され続けるのか、それとも理性の道を歩むのかを決める時期が来た。
D 我々仲間の規約は以下のとおりです。私たちはそれらから逸脱しません。代替手段はありません。私たちは遅滞を許しません。
F 無責任な軍国主義が駆逐されるまでは、平和、安全、正義の新たな秩序は不可能であると我々は主張するため、日本国民を騙し、誤解させて世界征服に乗り出させた者たちの権威と影響力は、世界から永久に排除されなければならない。
I 我々は、日本人が人種として奴隷にされたり、国家として破壊されることを意図するものではないが、我々の捕虜に残虐行為を行った者を含むすべての戦争犯罪者に対して、厳しい正義が下されるものとする。日本政府は、日本国民の民主主義的傾向の復活と強化に対するあらゆる障害を除去するものとする。言論、宗教、思想の自由と基本的人権の尊重は確立されなければならない。
J 日本は、自国の経済を維持し、正当な現物賠償の執行を可能にするような産業を維持することは許されるが、戦争のために再武装することを可能にするような産業は許されない。この目的のために、原材料の管理とは区別して、原材料へのアクセスが許可されるものとします。最終的には日本の世界貿易関係への参加が許可されるものとする。
K 連合国の占領軍は、これらの目的が達成され、日本国民の自由に表明された意思に従って、平和的傾向を有する責任ある政府が樹立され次第、日本から撤退するものとする。
L 私たちは日本政府に対し、今すぐすべての日本軍の無条件降伏を宣言し、そのような行動に対する彼らの誠実さの適切かつ適切な保証を提供することを求める。日本にとっての代替案は、迅速かつ完全な破壊である。
連合国共同宣言1942年1月1日のアルカディア会談 1941年12月22日から1942年1月14日
A Joint Declaration By The United States
Of America, The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland, The
Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics, China, Australia, Belgium, Canada,
Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Greece,
Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia
The Governments signatory hereto,
Having subscribed to a common program of
purposes and principles embodied in the Joint Declaration of the President
of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of Great Britain
dated August 14, 1941, known as the Atlantic Charter,
Being convinced that complete victory
over their enemies is essential to defend life, liberty, independence and
religious freedom, and to preserve human rights and justice in their own
lands as well as in other lands, and that they are now engaged in a common
struggle against savage and brutal forces seeking to subjugate the world,
(1) Each Government pledges itself to
employ its full resources, military or economic, against those members of
the Tripartite Pact and its adherents with which such government is at war.
(2) Each Government pledges itself to
cooperate with the Governments signatory hereto and not to make a separate
armistice or peace with the enemies.
The foregoing declaration may be adhered to
by other nations which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance
and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.
(1) 各政府は、三国条約の締約国及びその条約の加入国でその政府が戦争を行っているものに対し、その政府の軍事的又は経済的な全部の資源を使用することを誓約する。
(2) 各政府は、この宣言の署名国政府と協力すること及び敵国と単独の休戦又は講和を行わないことを誓約する。
中華民国 •
ソビエト連邦 •
イギリス •
イギリス連邦のドミニオン •
オーストラリア • カナダ •
アメリカ州の独立国 •
コスタリカ • キューバ • ドミニカ共和国 •
エルサルバドル •
ハイチ •
ホンジュラス •
ニカラグア •
ヨーロッパの亡命政府 •
ベルギー • チェコスロバキア • ギリシャ • ルクセンブルグ •
ノルウェー •
ポーランド •
1942年署名 •
エチオピア帝国 • メキシコ • フィリピン(アメリカ自治連邦区)
1943年署名 •
ボリビア • ブラジル • コロンビア • ペルシア • イラク
1944年署名 •
フランス • リベリア
1945年署名 •
チリ • エクアドル • エジプト • レバノン(フランス委任統治領)
パラグアイ •
ペルー •
サウジアラビア •
トルコ •
ウルグアイ •